Central Conundrum
June 28, 2016
1:19 PM
I will not espouse
political topics as a professional or academic expert in politics. I will
communicate the central problem that no one talks about from a historical
perspective, and that topic is required thinking in moving forward.
Nobody, and I mean
nobody, asks why terrorists actually exist.
All we do is react. This is nonsense and a waste of time. Why is this so important? We are spending
billions of dollars, slowing down the economy, and making it so political to
combat an issue of so few people who are trying to turn the world upside down,
but never acknowledging why is the biggest mistake of all.
Terrorism is a
direct result of long standing imperialistic behavior by white countries,
Nordic, European and North American, purging their resources and using military
force to obtain political influence in those regions. This and only this poses
the reason for terrorism. Why don't we
have Filipino terrorists, Korean terrorists, Vietnamese terrorists, or anyone
from South America, Russia, Eastern European nations, etc.? The reason is how
we have treated the Middle East and Northern Africa over hundreds of years.
Terrorism by
strategy is nothing new. It is now by numbers, with more fury, and greater
motivations that terrorism has an improved approach to tell these countries
such as American, Britain, France, Belgium and others in the EU that they have
had enough of being used. This is an issue of corporate America as well as
politicians using others to the point of bullying and now they are fighting
back in a way with modern know how.
I recently heard a
black actor speak the same kind of rhetoric that whites just don't understand.
It's about the reality that life is unfair, and that those who have more
leverage end up, at the end of the day, end of the century, use others for
their gain with compensation that relieves this feeling or intellectual idea
that blacks and in this case Middle Easterners, used by these imperialistic
We are a kinder,
gentler nation? That's what we need to strive to be, because we should be
educated enough to know that only Carter's essence had a benefit, just little
execution. We need to protect our own self-interests, but we need to solve
those problems internally, not by the cost of the Middle East or North Africa.
Petroleum is the
central beast of all, and I mean all our problems. If we were run by a Nikola
Tesla world, all the politics would have changed. But Standard Oil was allowed
to determine the energy source and for the past one hundred plus years the
middle class has paid the price in so many ways I couldn't bear to discuss all
the topics, from health to pollution, to soldiers dying in war and children
being murdered in the process. Seriously, we need to wake up and realize that
oil is the cause of all our problems and most importantly the refusal to find
alternative solutions has been a conspiracy for over thirty years.
I find it hard to
believe that Reagan himself actually requested to have the White House solar
panels taken down. But this type of posturing only eludes to my theory that we
have been working with a series of lobbying powers that have ruined this
country and brought us to war with people we can't even see, because that
action was a symbol of things to come because an energy policy is the only
policy that is required to strength the economy and take it to a new level with
new opportunities.
We need to change
our policies and help make these people realize that our intent is to change
history. We need a publicity campaign that doesn't admit defeat, but a change
in world history and Imperialistic ambitions need to change if we want peace
across the world and our resources spent on more productive issues.
This is our Viet Nam
and again it's not about defeat, but a change in policy and admitting the root
cause which nobody, and again I mean nobody is willing to talk about.
Imperialism does not work unless your intentions are philanthropic.
We understand
through our technological experience and realizations, how solving problems
require a different way of thinking. Problems are solved via technology and
those in three piece suits don't understand this, but are motivated by playing
out traditional thinking until they retire.
Consider Elon Musk.
He is a symbol as well as an ideal that certain capitalistic leaders who are
younger and come from a technology background, understand modern solutions and
can change the world, in this case in seven years. Seven little year's Musk turned pundit
attitudes with a single PR campaign to demonstrate a roadster travelling across
country is practical and faster than combustion engines; and seven years later
obtained 300,000 preorders for a car that hasn't been built yet. Nobody in
history has achieved such a draw towards a product since Steve Jobs' small item
The reason why this
is so important is an understanding of our national attitudes about change and
embracing not just an EV, but how we use energy, being more efficient, and
making our homes potentially self-sufficient. This self-sufficiency opens up a
whole new topic about how a healthy world can exist eternally by understanding
this very effect, especially in regards to economic solvency for the average
American. Travel will follow this solution as well, but that is another topic.
Until we clearly
understand that old school thinking, old school politics, old school corporate
leaders and oil in and of itself, need to not only retired, but be burned in an
oven to never be seen again we will not find economic recovery. It has been a toxic cancerous issue that has
burdened the welfare and prosperity of the middle class for a hundred years
plus, and it needs to end with leadership that understands that their great
prosperity in technology needs to be utilized in national economic interests
such as is the example in Elon Musk.
As a country we
never face root cause, because root cause isn't something monopolistic
corporations wish to have on your conscious mind. But America has played
monopolistic capitalism for too long causing the middle class to implode and
lose any type of negotiating power.
The ultimate goal
isn't to provide jobs within the corporate infrastructure. That is old thinking and needs to end.
Solutions of the modern age is utilizing technology to assist individuals to
find independent work to continue on the agenda of financial and energy
independence which ultimately leads to prosperity. This is not just a concept,
an ideology, this is an evolutionary destiny, but acknowledgement is necessary
to achieve this. Unfortunately, as we
see with Musk, that one person has to force his way into solutions for people
to get behind this destiny and that will hopefully happen with other technology
experienced individuals who understand this perspective.
Notice this
narrative is not about politics. This has nothing to do with politics, as we
know this part of American life is cancerous and filled with toxic sociopathic
personalities who would sell their mother into slavery to meet their political
Americans are tired
of this process but the only way it will end is if the nonsense stops and a
well designed solution of understanding how technology will take us into a
different age, not so much with technology itself, but as a tool to assist in
finding things yet unseen. That is, and
I mean that is, the essence of technology. Yeah, it sounds like the Star Trek
intro, because Roddenberry had a clear definition and understanding of what
technology would achieve.
Once we can
intellectually define this solution, we can then acknowledge that Imperialistic
ambitions are a thing of the past and do not assist our national interest both
economically or in security. However, again, it requires a definition and a
clear narrative of how we approach our past, realign our ambitions to becoming
a nation that finds solutions within its borders, particularly with energy, and
knowing that technology will lead to prosperity that we can bet on. Then and
only then can we eliminate these reactions by individuals in the Middle East
and Northern Africa who are acting upon historical behavior that no longer
should exist in the evolutionary process of technology as a tool toward
ultimate objectives and solutions.