Saturday, September 23, 2017

Why Race Isn't About Color

It's true, can I start by saying if you think it's about color, not only are you wrong, but you are a true racist. Let me explain.

The white dominated America had a culture. I say had. It was born in Europe and evolved into something from a Victorian society set of rules to the roaring twenties party it up for tomorrow we may die lifestyle. But it was still white. Being white is not evil or should it ever be perceived as being bad or even feeling this white guilt bullshit being pushed in our culture today. What a bunch of weak minded sycophants. "White Guilt." Who thinks this shit up?

Everyone acknowledges that people of color historically came from countries that were not from Europe and therefore economic and educational deficiencies existed. These are passed down more than we would like to admit. But the real issue I take offense to is the fact that these United States are supposed to feel guilty or responsible for it.

Attitudes form culture. The socialist movement is pushing these attitudes and all these corporate entities who promote the socialist cause aren't socialists, they are pandering to the lowest common customer so not be to labeled white privilege. It's all about the mighty dollar, don't fool yourself. The attitudes are propagandized into our culture that America is responsible for all the of world's problems including those who come here legally or illegally. America has been a primary player in worldwide manipulations no doubt thanks to the CIA. The CIA has evolved, but its main goal after WWII was to fight communism and it failed miserably. This agency was filled with pigs and probably still is who think that doing what they do has little ramifications. But the CIA not only has failed, but has created this attitude that America is a bad country with bad policies. The truth is that it's a club of individuals who believe that war and conflict is profitable, but even with this evil truth, it doesn't represent America. You are fooled by the propaganda if you think otherwise.

Social media has provided more truth as well as propaganda, as its more difficult to bullshit a nation under this umbrella of information. However what needs to be acknowledged; people live their lives based on belief, not reason, therefore if you can penetrate that belief system in their brain, you pretty much have them for most of their adult life. Look at terrorism. You can get an idiot to kill himself in a plane because he believes something, not because there is any good reasoning behind it. Pathetic, but eye opening as a society that fights for its right to survive and be free. That needs to be taken seriously. It's haunting.

America has taken an ungodly role of playing Superman to a group of people who didn't come from Europe, who weren't educated and are fundamentally ignored by their own country, and then demand rescuing from the United States. As we populate even further we use tactics that are immoral, making America at fault for the South American, Mexican, African, Middle Eastern incompetence of world history and it's so seriously unacknowledged by ridiculous socialist behaviors of propaganda which has seeped into our youth culture making them actually believe instead of reason, feel guilt, instead of intellectually resolving the big picture.

But let's refocus. What comes into America aren't just problems, but attitudes. These attitudes are weapons used against the very country that is trying to provide them a life. I make no argument that America is a tough place to live. It has many faults and needs to provide a balance of priorities and eliminate the rich man's leverage policies, but it's still the best country for what kind of problems and innovation it creates. Power determines this and in a short period of time America became a powerhouse. Respect that because that is reason, not emotion. But the attitudes are the gun that creates the fight between people of color. Mexicans don't like blacks and blacks don't like Mexicans. This isn't so much about race as it is about attitudes. It's about culture, about how we dress, how we talk, how we act and carry ourselves. "Respect" is a big street word, and it's no mystery as to why. Attitudes cause disrespect as being on the wrong side of the attitude line forms negative and often violent gestures and responses. This is our problem in America and that is not the problem of America, but the very people who come here. We have lost respect for people who are different from us as well as for the very country that provides you this freedom to be dysfunctional. What exactly are you responsible for if not your own attitude? You create how people respond to you, plain and simple. Saying otherwise, you can then go cry in your cereal, because nobody cares. Your parents and socialist education failed you miserably. Ask for your money back.

Personally, I have little experience in racism though I have felt it.  My childhood had some in rather unconventional ways, but I never interpreted it as racism but kids just being dysfunctional idiots, and they were. Those kinds of kids grow up to be ditch diggers. But I do understand how it feels to some extent and for that I am glad. I do come with blinders on just like everyone else. My compassion needs to be developed by personal experience, but I have a rebuttal to this attitude. I understood that the way I speak, carry myself, the types of clothes I wear, determine directly how people respond to me. When you dress like a stereotype you ARE at stereotype, like it or not. Don't get your wardrobe from Walmart, go to Target. Don't dress with emblems like the "Raiders" which implies gang related images, even if you are a Raiders fan. If you care about how people respond to you and how you are treated acknowledge that wearing a hoodie doesn't buy you anything. Don't be a fool. If you want to rebut that, it's your attitude that needs adjusting, not the worlds.

I watched a documentary on OJ Simpson. He refused to join the movement back in '68 when things were heating up because of one simple thing; he was being treated right by the white community. Because of this experience at USC, he didn't feel the need to have an attitude. His needs were being met so he understood at this very young age, "why would I want to stir the pot when the pot is brewing something that smells so good - fame?" Then something very interesting happened along the way into the NFL. He kept smiling, instead of showing attitude and smirking. He interacted with "white privilege" and all was well. He was treated respectfully and he did the same. He was even invited into golf clubs that are notorious for being racist. What it proves is human nature, even white human nature, desires diplomacy and the right to be with others who are different than us, if and only if you demonstrate respect and not attitude. Nobody cares about Colin Kaepernick, I guarantee you. He's not a bad guy, he's just a guy with an attitude. He's a punk in society's eyes. If he wants to change he needs to start using reasoning skills instead of a stupid knee.  It's dysfunctional and he's getting what he deserves because he lacks reasoning skills. Grow up and meet the world like an adult, because the world will swallow you whole. Even OJ figured that out until he turned angry as he got older. OJ's dysfunction was directly related to his attitudes about feeling entitled. Trading Places demonstrated that no matter what color you are, your attitude can suck because of the circumstances and you can do almost anything in order to survive. But what we also learn is those who pick themselves up can do amazing things when they first change that dysfunctional attitude, such as Greg Harden at the University of Michigan or the struggling story of Chris Gardner to provide for his family after divorce. Yes, these are not the norm but deviations due to personal epiphanies, but they are formed by courage and mental toughness, not by God or affirmative action. These are performed by individuals who realized their attitudes were dysfunctional and they weren't providing them results. Once that intellectual transformation took place, they were able to challenge themselves and succeed. Kaepernick is probably an okay guy, but a symbol of why blacks are still pulled over illegally. He's part of the problem, not the solution but the finger keeps pointing at the cops when he has three other fingers pointing back at him. Really ignorant behavior. Cops need to be pulled over, no doubt. They are magnifying a cultural behavior of bad cops who stereotype blacks and pull them over for no reason. But it isn't racism. It's attitude. This is a holistic thought, not one based on a black man minding his own business. But nobody wants to fill the great divide between attitudes of cops and black men in particular. It must not pay much, but its apparent that mexican men and black men own this stereotype because there is an entitlement attitude in this country just like OJ demonstrated after his glorious years were over and was treated with less privilege, then look what happened. He ruined his life not because he beat his wife and later killed her. He ruined his life because his attitude changed. Dominos then follow. That has nothing to do with America, that's called Life, Karma, the byproduct of bad decisions.

But the real truth is do we really want to grow up and face ourselves? The answer appears to be no. People are who they are and they are immature and wish to rationalize their lives then blame their problems on racism and America as a whole. This is why nothing ever gets accomplished in cultural relations because you first have to bring something to the table that represents some level of respect. Taking a knee just doesn't cut it.

It's sad to say that OJ Simpson was and still is your best example of someone using his brain to understand his culture. All of the white haters need to understand that the enemy isn't the white man, that is simply your rationalization for your lack of refinement. You are intolerant excuse makers who wish to live your lives on the blame game, and even if you don't believe in the existence of Karma, she doesn't care; she will find you, and you will pay and pay dearly, because you are the true racist and she has a bill for you to pay for that attitude, and its expensive.

Good Luck.

Monday, September 18, 2017

What Kind of Wall Exactly?

I read several articles on how this solution should be achieved. Physical wall, virtual wall, drones, electricity, sensors, what? For starters we have to remember its purpose. It is truly supposed to strategically defend and deter people from entering this country illegally.

The solution really becomes the problem. Once you announce your solution, the masses work towards usurping it. This is the single biggest mistake those who don't understand the creativity to problem solving make. What people hear from others, what they see in front of them, as well as what they read become their baseline of how to usurp the system. That is the essence of the problem. This is what makes Americans angry is this usurping the law, the system, and by doing it in mass form, you create a problem that appears to be expensive and insurmountable. Therefore, you need to attack the problem with a solution, but not a static one. The solution needs to be nimble.

Once people understand that a physical barrier of any kind exists, they feel like they have the opportunity to exploit its weaknesses. However, if the offender can't see the barrier, how can they find a way around it, underneath it or above it? That is the key to the solution. This is a war, not simply an issue of security. We need to treat it as such and find solutions that are inexpensive, creative, nimble, invisible and have an unlikeable result.

There is no faster wall than an electric one. You can build it and have it up in no time. The electricity provides several solutions. One, it can't be seen, which is exactly what we need based on this premise. If it can't be viewed, the enemy doesn't know how to usurp it. If you are talking about underground, then you electrify underneath the ground as well. We need to utilize sensors and maybe these sensors move, like the electrical grid. The grid is directly connected to drones which not only review the areas of penetration, but fire upon those with legal forms of weaponry to deter any further illegal activity on our border before the border patrol can arrive. This will be the most cost effective long term solution where you combine electricity, technology and manual labor to solve the problem in defending our country. As time moves forward the unmanned drone and electricity combined will be a perfected and efficient experience. Think Minority Report.

Most importantly, you use electricity not only to power but provide information through that power. Sensors provide information, and those sensors would not be visible to the naked eye. The main concept is placement, ease of doing so, and cost effectiveness. Your approach should be a mystery to those trying to get around it. It should have a strategy that makes people think even if they aren't trying to get into our country. Most importantly it should be something that demands respect, because we already know we aren't going to receive it, as polite social graces from anyone around us or in nations nonadjacent is vacant.

Again, we are looking for a result, and the result should not only be keeping people out of this country, but getting the respect that is due. Once you design something that is nimble, invisible and has consequences all or most of these problems will go away.

Now, let's build a wall, and make all of them pay for it.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Psychology of Fools

I am a bit tired of all the outcries from everyone about the diversity issues and the Nazi people. Nobody speaks about them with any sense of literacy, only politically. This is why we get nowhere in understanding the behavior.

Charlottesville had an incident which was inevitable. Let's keep it simple to understand it without getting tangled up in rhetoric that we so often see and hear in the news and even personal discussion.

This issue has to do with territory and only territory from a mammal standpoint. We have a population issue as well as a development issue in this country where people migrate to a few places on the map instead of making use of all of America. This is important. Because it directly relates to territorial threat that all mammals experience, fear, behave defensively, and react accordingly. Sorry to make the analogy, but my own Border Collie, Eddie, does the same thing when strange dogs come his way at the park and get too close to him. Sorry, but from a mammal viewpoint, this is no different. That is the first thing to understand in this discussion. People feel threatened. Now let's move further into the psychology of it all, which you will appreciate a bit more.

We are a country founded by white people, escaping white people. The white people built this country in regards to laws and infrastructure like no other nation in the world, and with the help of the Industrial Age, we conquered more problems and created a modern society so quickly that others wanted to come. However, with building that came a price. That price was using people as slaves, paid or not, brings an influx of generations of non-whites. This is bad only in the sense that these white people assumed America would be theirs and only theirs. Eventually it became the Alpha complex thought process where they knew others are here, but we dominate. However, that was challenged and what has seeped into their minds is fear; fear that all the laws being created favor non-whites while whites get nothing in the same category. It was always assumed that whites don't need assistance in making it in this country, but it was more about sending a message to them politically, that they were being controlled. Their fear and anger was not aimed at the government though. It was aimed at the non-whites.

These behaviors are a growing fear and reality that America is being taken over by non-whites. I'm not judging it, I'm stating a psychological fact. This is the problem, as the preferences for whites has constantly been subjected to oppression as we promote non-whites in every way shape or form. These people feel discriminated against and they are reacting to the fact of not just what is going on today, but the future of the white race. If they were anything but white, a political response would be different than the one you are having now. They are intellectually incapable of understanding their own negative behavior gets them nowhere any more than a black person's negative behavior in the ghetto gets him nowhere. That is the rule of Life.

The government is partly and strongly to blame for this environment. They have sent messages to poor whites over the past seventy years that they don't matter while we use narratives in the media that the promotion of black culture, which has been mostly bogus as we know by the Chicago example. But we have a segment in our society who are in environments that don't promote education, an almost white ghetto, that doesn't assist in furthering generational growth, monetarily or intellectually. They have been left behind just like the minorities, but they don’t' have the same privileges as the non-whites do in government assistance.

Ultimately they feel the fear of becoming extinct from this country due to the Socialist Left demonstrating the push for diversity among other things that don't assist their fears. This and only this should be what you take away from this piece. Whites feel betrayed, though we all should be aware, that life and property is a free for all and has life and time move forward the protection of that property changes due to social reasons.

We live in a pyramid scheme. Those at the top have all the leverage to pull all the strings. Corporations and politicians pull and hold all those strings. Those at the bottom will always be there until we eliminate the top of the pyramid and turn it into more of a trapezoid, where more people can make it to the top. Even Karl Marx revered that capitalism needed altering based on this premise. A capitalist society needs to remove this leverage and allow people at the bottom to climb. We had it in the eighties and even the nineties but we burned it all down with the home ownership debacle. The rebuttal would be, yes to help people who might not otherwise own a home, subprime loans. But those were for homes they couldn't afford. And where are the homes they can afford? They don't exist. Instead of affordable renting, we need affordable homes. This has been the joke for the past seventy years. Building homes people can't afford so the banks can own the buyer; others will just have to rent in the inner city has a place in this discussion. You want to know why people are angry and lashing out?

The Left has paid too much attention with social engineering this country. They want to punish whites and eliminate their jobs if they say or think differently. There is a price for that and that is igniting these whites who haven't been able to make a better life for themselves and feel hopeless. The media doesn't even pay attention, but sends the message the only thing we promote is POC pride and Girl Power. So who is protesting in Charlottesville; not those groups just mentioned. Think about it.

This is about fear, losing power of what power they had, but knowing those they oppress will eventually become the oppressors if they don't do something about it. Who is the blame for that imagery? Don't blame me, I'm just telling you the truth, as the history of America has some skeletons in the closet and we are at the precipice of the role of slaves changing. You wonder why these people exist, well don't. Our society creates them when growth at the bottom doesn't take place accept for maybe the minority.

People could live together if they feel their personal ability to build a life exists. If a poor white person can own a home, buy a car and have a family, all these problems go away. However, we need to build into the country and not simply on the mainland of America which is where most of the population exists. We need to build homes with some land so people can have space instead of cookie cutter neighborhoods. These poor white people who learn to follow, someone like David Duke, who has a leadership complex, and wants to control a cultish group to provide him some sort of ego building part of history, then we will continue to have these kinds of groups. But if they are happy raising a family and the media lays off the bad white guy narrative, maybe these ideals will vaporize.

Personally, I don't care much for either side. I grew up in the middle where I could be perceived as either side. Regardless, I find both sides despicable with their demands, zero accountability and the government manipulating it all. We are a culture of fools because we don't care about understanding anything. Instead we simply put people on tv to spout more diarrhea regarding the political principals and how their group is a victim.

White man bad. I get it. The truth is, you're all bad.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Why Animal Cruelty Is An Important Issue

I remember as a child jokes circulating about priests molesting little boys. Nobody bothered to investigate the sources of these jokes and why they even existed. Nobody cared.

Now we know after thirty some years the cat is out of the bag because the media has changed and it's easier to get a message out and when it gets out, it gets out! The issue with the priests was like Pandora's box because it was left alone so long, all these now adults are able to speak for themselves and tell the truth. Funny how that works. Nobody listens unless you are an adult. Please take note of that.

We have an oxymoron psychology about children. We love to make them, we love to kill them, we love to abuse them, we love to regret them, we love to kick them physically and emotionally, and we love to use them as pawns in divorce. And at the same time, they have no rights to speak for themselves. This is the naked truth about our rules. Narcissistic taxpayers and laws don’t give rights to those who don’t pay taxes. This comes from citizens as well as the government who is obviously only interested in your money which is why the elderly are always picked on and stripped of rights, and are neglected by their children.

Now, after all of that let's talk about the real issue; we cannot be a civilized society until we face the fact that we are still abusing animals in ways that are preventable by law, serious law to ensure we evolve into a society that respects all living things. (Remember, all living things don't pay taxes). Why is this important? Because when you solve a problem, you have to go to the root of the problem, not the middle of it. Root cause, they call it. Well why are animals at the root cause of our ills for being civilized? Because animals and nature itself are the first things we as children grew to have a relationship with whether we like it or not. Why is that important? Because our first established relationships determine how we think, how we feel, and ultimately, how we behave.

The underlying problem in the United States isn't our political ideologies; those are byproducts of the bigger problem, not the root cause. The biggest problem in our country is personality disorder. Now, when I say personality disorder, I'm not speaking in terms of clinical, I'm speaking in terms of laymen understanding. Let me explain.

Personality disorder in a clinical sense is; a personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving. A person with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people. ... In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5. This holds partially to my suggestion, but closer to the more micro problem of the disorder known as narcissism. Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism. Okay, so why is this so important?

The central issue behind the root cause of these two components in our society is not just that they exist, but they exist in such a high level of our beings in a modern world, that it only reminds me of stories in the Bible of a wandering and misguided people who turned to idolatry and paid the price. The point of this root cause isn't materialism, as blaming a material thing for your misgivings is more in line with the root cause, than the material object itself.

The main issue is how individuals see themselves in the world. This is the root cause of all problems in society and specifically to how we treat one another and other living things. You can't escape this no matter if you are a monk or POTUS. Everyone is responsible for their own behavior, especially towards others. We fight for the right to our own bodies, but we don't want to fight for responsibility for our own behavior. Post WWII created boomers, but what it also created was a self-entitlement personality in a culture that says, "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie," and keep up with your neighbors, be a consumer, but most important be socially competitive because that will bring you a better mate, and better real estate to show off to your friends and family. This brings us back to those people wandering in the wilderness and choosing idolatry over self discovery. Playing into the ego, the ID of our personalities, and then actually buying into it is the core of our ills. I even found this in someone I knew, still do, but do not communicate, who after years of understanding her movements, realized her ego was so embedded, not in materialism, but in outsmarting the system by making someone else slave themselves against the world while she sat home and contemplated her next visit to the beach, facebooking it on how wonderful the experience was.  That is not simply a laid back personality, that is a narcissist who escapes the rules of life by refusing to participate in the middle class slave trade. I had never met a personality so laid back, yet so narcissistic and willing to turn someone else into their slave so they can live their dream. Once I understood the dynamics, I understood the person.

Narcissists believe they are above it all. We base movies, TV shows, novels and other social rhetoric on this premise. The Kardashians represent that after the Hiltons did years back. Remember our little Narcissistic princess Paris running to her mother after being held by authorities, wearing clothes that would get attention afterwards and make money off it? She set that tone and the Kardashians took off with it and people actually buy into it. They dream of being a bigger narcissist than they already are by watching another narcissist at work. Can we get back on track? Yes.

The problem isn't being a narcissist, the problem is the behavior. People aren't interested in the well-being of others, even those who claim they do. We are a resource driven society and we throw parties for social causes and make a ton of money doing it. We pretend we are good people, but we rationalize our self-centered resource gathering behavior, "because everyone else is doing it."  This cognitive dissonance demonstrates a poor self-image, narcissistic tendencies, all for the sake of trying to escape the rules of society. Yes, if you are middle class, you are a slave. The finance industry has enslaved all middle class people with cost of living and manipulated labor force salary ranking. So the thought process is to survive and in the process of surviving you ultimately realize that the only way to get ahead is to bend the rules, make someone else your slave, or steal. Look at Bernie Madoff. These are not deviations in our society, these are the norms, but the media raises them up as someone who only represents themselves as a bad person and not society as a whole.

Wall street brokers admitted in a conference room, if the rules allow them to cheat, they will. Honesty is such a breath of fresh air, isn't it? People behave on the basis of what they can get away with in a society with so many rules that send a message to an individual, "the rules are stacked against you, good luck." When people find an opening to cheat, they usually do, because they can rationalize the immoral or illegal reason with something like, "If I didn't do it, someone else would."

Narcissists are by nature lazy. They are lazy because they hate the rules and they hate the rules because they think the rules don't apply them, only to the little people. Watch the film Rope, by Alfred Hitchcock. You can convince yourself that you are better than the rest of society enough to kill someone because you deem it right because you don't live in the little  people's moral code. Yes, that is Hitler by definition. When you raise yourself up above the rules, you are a cheater, lazy, rationalizer, instead of someone who wants to work to change the rules. It's just easier to cheat.

I was raised around a lot of white lower middle class brats. They had no intent on improving themselves because they thought of themselves as good enough while they would swim in their shame. They thought life would unfold for them. I thought it would take ten years. It did not. What I did is try to understand why it didn't and most of the answer fell on myself and still does. But ultimately that thought is solely based on what you do today, not how fast you got there from the past. Narcissists don't want to wait. They want it now and in a generation of boomers who think they are entitled to more, the urgency becomes an underlying variable in their behavior. They want to be relevant and if it takes too long, people show contempt for you and that would crush the narcissist.

Again, let's back to the root cause and how this effects other things than the self. The ability to care for something or someone other than yourself is an art form in how we live our lives. The engineers of our society don't want that; they want us on the treadmill serving their needs. They want robots who want to consume, not a people who are more concerned about society as a whole. We call these people liberals, but that is a lie. Liberals aren't better people in regards to the ills of society. They really only help people to make themselves feel better. Walking for cancer with a bunch of people or what not, and that is not a bad thing and the task has all the good leanings of being a good person, but these are also people who still feel entitled and that the government should pay for their entitlement.

So now the intersection. When the narcissist does not meet his expectations and his superior perception is threatened what is the first thing they want to do? Blame. It's someone else's fault, right? So what do we do? We take it out on the first thing that's around us; or animals or animals that are available. Cruelty to animals isn't a narcissistic tendency by definition, its more sociopathic, but our context isn't about those people. This is not to say that every narcissist will take their failures out on animals because they don't. The point is those that do suffer from not only sociopathic behaviors but also fall into narcissism by its very definition. It's a personality disorder not a mental disorder and its essence is founded on shame. Most Americans, especially white Americans are subject to this disorder, I would assume because it was passed down by the entitlement attitude of the northern European who came to the United States.

Understanding the underpinnings of cruelty to animals is extremely important in not evading our own responsibility and having the awareness to see that in others. Animals are abused every day, puppy mills exist in the tens of thousands in this country, with the capitol being Missouri. The conditions they put these animals in is not just cruel, but you have to wonder about the person's personality, because again, "Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others."

Now I hope the intersection has been created between the idea of our society and our relationship to animals and why it matters. The essence of our existence lies in our relationship with nature not people. The American Indian was more mentally and spiritually connected with nature because he wasn't distracted (he didn't have Facebook)  and had more time to realize the respect that they were faced with it. The Self is important, as nobody can take care of you and your mind better than yourself. When you are left to yourself though, you are still in a relationship with nature, even though people might not be around. This is the central idea of why it's our core existence to understand our relationship with nature and in our case animals.

If you are destroying the very thing that you have a relationship with, aren't you in essence destroying yourself? This is not a philosophy lesson. It's nothing more than viewing it from another angle that until we respect nature, we will never be civilized. Our disrespect is our symptom, our diagnosis is narcissism, and the cure, is rule of law. Animal cruelty needs to be invaded by law enforcement like D-Day to fix the ills of our society. The sad part is there is no pushback, we just choose to do nothing.

Let me put it another way, we will never get along with people who are different than us until we first learn to respect nature and animals. It does not work the other way around. Again, this is why our relationship to animals and nature is so important. You can't escape it, you can't rationalize it. It's nature at its core. You become an ill when you don't respect nature.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Education - A Child's Choice

The underlying thread of believing kids are dumb and now they become dumb needs simplification to form a base in better understanding a very complex problem. The fundamental issue regarding a child's performance is, and always will be, directly related to the quality of home life, and the child's ability to find solitude in knowing someone is at home waiting for them. Another area of the home is the level of positivity to negativity factor that a young mind is absorbing. Breaking it down to as much simplification as possible, if a child is experiencing positive experiences in the home, his ability to focus and deal with the real world such as socializing and learning at school, will find positive results.  Any teacher will tell you, their job is hindered by what their student's home life experience, but most importantly, a child knowing for a fact that someone is awaiting them, and their sense of protection is exemplified in front of them through parental verbal motions towards others as well as towards themselves.

The school system design appears to be created as a unionized organized government job that ensures job security and pensions. This idea is vastly overused, outdated, and fundamentally nothing more than using a utopian ideal as a mask for leverage to build upon a public sector career guarantee in or to ascertain power by numbers and  a sustainable power by creating a political family which follows the leader without allowing for ideas or and most importantly, innovation to create higher learning. Instead, this system is a fire, which has no other goal than to grow and spread and the cost of anyone who lies it its' path. By this fire, is a corporate type of conscience, where its shareholders are more important than society itself. Yet by this, this fire claims that it cares about its students and their development, however they are slow to react to the size and problems of social learning.

The ideal implementation is to educate children by teaching them how to learn interactively with a computer program designed to help them with memory recall to facts, as well as allow for interpretation. By doing this, the child is able to be his own teacher to the best of his or her ability, and may follow up with a teacher of their choosing. This would allow a teacher to teach efficiently and as close as one on one as possible.

This is not to say that current education is abhorrent, but that it is not effective as it could be. Plenty of children come out of the public school system just fine and continue on to higher learning. But those who are falling through the cracks have something different, and it's not simply their school experience, but their family environment as well as their social concerns within the public school system.

We suffer from social issues more now than ever in the public school system. We suffer from social pyramid learning, which pounds on the esteem of those children who are not so angry or dominant by nature and thus many succumb to the abuse of the few; a definition of adult dynamics as well, but is off topic.

The school system has been treated like a babysitting institution, where parents drop them off because they want a huge break and need to have someone else teach them proper behavior and the remaining fundamentals of life. Parents today and the past thirty years have eliminated physical punishment, a fear tactic, but did not provide a proper substitute to discipline their children in a way that forms those ideals where a child clearly understands that others around them are as important as they are, which is the basic message of adjusting a child's behavior. Instead, children grow up as "potential narcissists" because their esteem is trying to find power when all they feel is shame, the baseline for narcissism.

Without a parent to come home to, the child is then subjected to time spent with those out in the field, like a wild suburban wasteland, the child may have great experiences or simply non-threatening experiences as well. However, those experiences are not what we are talking about. We are talking about the protection of the child and depending on where they live, their experiences will vary. Additionally, their size and stature will determine their experiences and it is naïve to believe that an upscale landscape provides everyone with a great social and educational experience. It does not.

Within this discussion its always the shame of adults trying to move children around a system without performing the one act that all people need, even animals crave, which is a right to choose. We give game show contestants a choice behind door number one, number two, and number three, but we never ask our child if they want to work with this teacher, or be around these kids, or to be schooled at home or another school altogether. That child needs to feel empowerment, as this is the very issue that determines our sense of esteem. Self-empowerment is the very notion all adults have been fighting for since the English immigrants came to America. So why don't we give children empowerment over how they wish to learn and environments they want to be in while learning, as well the teachers? Instead we send a message to children, they have no choice but to go to this place and face all these people you may not want to be around and they must attempt to survive.

This is not a commentary on pampering children, but more of choice at its base. Choice is important, because it instills and determines so many internal notions in a growing brain and to believe they can do anything in this world, which is reflected in children of higher economic levels because they experience choice at an early age. With choice comes responsibility and discipline, but those are all good things. Negotiating with children is important because they understand how the world works though this very act and they crave it. We all need to negotiate our children's welfare to place him in an area of choice so they can focus and concentrate on the things that matter without the fear of social retribution and isolation.

Returning to the context of our educational system, it now feels bleak and shameful. What we have is not the best we can do. Fearing change is only a fear of our own fear, and change instead needs to be embraced. No longer should be treat K-12 as a babysitting institution where parents believe their children will be reared. Instead the emphasis is on providing choice for the child so they feel empowered to educate themselves with the modern tools provided. As important as these essentials is harnessing their focus and concentration so they can learn efficiently.

Children by nature are genius's because the human brain at that age can absorb so much in language, math, spatial thinking, and all without prejudice. It's a time to harness that with much ambition by providing them a safe positive environment where they can believe they can do anything and start achieving early on in life. The start is the most important achievement for parents and teachers.  A bad start leads to an imbalance both physically, emotionally, and psychologically, it would be hard to lower those tides and assist them in bouncing back. This is all founded on choice by providing environments which may deal with the reality of children who may not be receiving all the attention and life skills at home, and may require to be in an environment that assists them in those areas. This is not segregation, but an offering, especially to the child, where they wish to be drawn towards those very needs. Children aren't dumb, they just can't fully put all the pieces together without knowledge and experience, but they do have instincts. If they understand that they can make a choice immediately or over time, and by granting that choice, the child can hope for better things in the future.

Kids are not dumb, yet we often refer to them as such as our society does not respect children or the elderly nearly as much as the taxpayer themselves. We treat them as cattle and herd them within a fenced environment. But most importantly, we have created an institution this is farther away from higher learning and achievement by focusing on building the fire of the institution itself. Instead of empowering the institution, it's time we remove that power and give it to the children. By these notions we set a precedence and acknowledge that we wish to evolve and respect our children in a way that we wish to be respected.