Sunday, December 04, 2016

The Democrat Party Is A Religion

The Religious Right. Remember that? Oh boy, the left hated them, not because of their values but because of their weapon. Using a portion of the brain that deals with the interpretation of reality, instead of the side of the brain that is philosophical is much more powerful. The Dems just envied the idea that Falwell could help the Republican party and make them stronger, as well as pretty much take it over. This was wrong of course, but it was reality and the Democrat Party had no other choice then to fight fire with fire and use the power of belief instead the traditional philosophical approach to garnish voters.

So instead of saying something like, "We want prosperity for all and this is what defines our party," they say something like, "The Republican party is evil and hateful, a basket of deplorables," aka, they are demons in a world of angels who believe that inequality must end and it's their fault, and someone must pay for it. The use of adjectives that pit good versus evil is something out of the dualism of Star Wars, and the dems are the characters in the bar playing their instruments because they "believe" the election is over before its even started.

Unfortunately, in this election, it was about reality. The reality is we have had sixteen years of neglecting the economy and allowing a democrat to call people names was not a good marketing approach to entice "believers". Religion or the philosophical idea of its essence in politics had no bearing in this election. Trump was not a religious man like Reagan, so that whole idea of the Republican party is pretty much over. So what are we left with now?

The Democrat Party is at a loss. There is a monologue in the show Newsrooom where the main character goes on and on about why America is not the best country in the world. He provides stats, and all the bullshit that goes along with trying to demonstrate a political point, blah, blah, blah. But at the very end, the writer Aaron Sorkin, who is a liberal, writes the words for his character to say, "The Democratic Party is made up of losers". Why is this so important? The reason is to break down the history of the last one hundred years of the democratic party and why it has failed today.

The foundation of how we define the Democrat Party is the party of the people. Roosevelt made that clear in the New Deal and helping our economy out of a depression created by the industrial rich. His relative Ted, had to meet those people face to face before him and won. He actually took down corporate America. But FDR had a greater problem. The recession pushed a hot button, as we are today, either we stop the nonsense or we move towards socialism. He taxed the rich ninety five percent to finance the war and the only reason they agreed to be taxed, is it wouldn't affect their lives in addition to eliminating the socialistic threat which was very strong at that time. He went on to twelve years of service. Unfortunately, he also help create the socialistic view by making republicans look like demons. Not his fault, but it was a pivot in belief in American history.

The facts? The facts are that the economy is our religion and John F. Kennedy understood that. He cut taxes and growth spurned on after his assassination. The war cost us a tremendous amount of time because we paid too much attention in world socialism and not our own. Johnson was a joke, Nixon a crook, Ford a patsy, Carter a loser. It's the economy stupid.

The war ended and we received Reagan. He was delivering a new frontier. He was a strong communicator, like no other we have seen. He was not a perfect President, and he allowed his faith to determine his direction at times, but for the most part he kept it personal and not in his presidential decisions. He was a good flawed man and a great president who demonstrated that cutting taxes works and works for all. He followed Kennedy's lead and almost got assassinated for it. We had twelve years of Republicans after Bush took over for Reagan. The only reason Bush won is he had Dukakis to beat which is like boxing against Jimmy Carter. Dukakis was a runt.

"Read my lips, no new taxes." He buried himself in incompetence and out of touch with the economy. The economy did recover when Clinton took office, but Clinton knew the voters wanted someone fresh. He understood it is about the economy and "stupid" became the penetrable word that voters responded to. He was able to live in excess because it was the decade of the Internet and innovation. Koko the guerrilla could have been our first female President during that time and we still would have prospered only without all the drama and sex scandals. What a joke.

The economy busted in two thousand. Why? Corruption and irrational investment in dot com due to greed. Eventually there is no market for a bunch of poorly thought out dot com ideas. It needed to be adjusted.

Then it was time for war. Oh god. Seriously, we had a dot com crash and you want to go to war? Loser. After all that eight years of crap, the knight in shining armor comes out from the mist of the mountaintops to provide us hope and change, only the change were coins, he just didn't tell you that. The most "smoke and mirrors" president ever! Transparent was only his ass, when he eventually gets out of office, will be so burned by reality. Obama won't face a belief system backlash, but a reality backlash, as he didn't know it was the economy stupid, but instead danced around every problem while he went golfing, never calling a spade a spade, but kept saying, "the buck stops here." Yeah it stopped alright. An embarrassment in what Sorkin called losers. The only thing they could accomplish was trying to cover all their asses from the DOJ, the FBI, to the State Department, and they even failed at that! My God, please save us now!

There is a God people. There is a God, and he said, "Enough". So God decided to put Hillary on the Democrati ticket, because even God watched that episode of Newsroom and wanted to reinforce the idea. "…And God smiled upon thee, and ye shall know that God hath a humor of sense."

But we have a greater problem than the Democrat candidates. We have a large group of individuals in this country who actually believe, like a religion, that their party needs to win or riots will ensue. We have a group of people who cry, yell, light things on fire, have their hands out, commit voter fraud, lie like the devil himself, have no platform of common sense to speak on, and have made this culture look like a pile of crap because of the race slinging and baiting they have done before, during and after the election. Unfortunately all these ingrates are looking like fools in the media after the bubble bursts and one must accept the candidate to be President. The media has been found out. Nobody can make excuses they don't understand what media bias is and to simply walk away from propaganda whether you agree with the nonsense or not. But principles are not on their agenda. If they were we would have an honest fight. They will win at all costs, selling their mother down the river to obtain Socialism which they themselves can't define, nor have they migrated to a Socialistic country to find out the lifestyle.

Idiots. Useful idiots at that, but in the end they will have to grow quiet as their little train that couldn't is founded on being a complete and total loser. (See Aaron Sorkin above).

Now it's time to get things done and maybe in the world we can lead again, eliminate corporate afflictions upon foreign policy, get out of debt, teach our children the proper way to live their lives in a fiscal manner, make housing affordable, transportation efficient and innovative, jobs with a ladder to succeed, and hope for a greater tomorrow. Not only that, if this does take place, hope and a greater tomorrow will no longer be perceived as a slogan, but reality.

Reality. Just get it.

Monday, November 28, 2016

My First 100 Days

We are living in a time of action, but also in a time of inaction. Contempt comes to mind. But also a lack of awareness to the distractions of our lives don't take us away from the very issues we need on our minds daily.

In my first one hundred days, I will do the following;

Education- Destroy the system as is. The chain of command will come through supply and demand and that's it. No more unions, no more propaganda, no more social bullying in K-12, online learning, personal tutoring, small group as well, kids will learn in a different and more efficient way so the system is for the children and by the children and not for the careers of subpar liberals who want a job for life. It's over, Scram like dogs that you are. Only the best teachers will be asked to teach by the children and parents, period. We will have overseers for kids whose parents work so children can play and be safe in public and know their parents have the proper time to come get them after work.

My next executive order will be to remove all small time drug offenders from prison and provide them the proper necessities to get on with their lives only as productive citizens. Privatization of jails will end as well. Authoritarian rule has ended and we will redefine this country to be a progressive and compassionate country that balances priorities not on the basis of ideology, but on what is right for our nation to work towards being civilized.

We will additionally provide a task force to focus on illegal activity in remote locations. This is where crimes are calculated. We will find you, and you will no longer kidnap children or women as well as other crimes against society. This would include prosecuting all individuals who participate in social rings dealing with immoral decisions on women and children within or out of this country. Drones will be utilized. You will be found, you will be prosecuted by the fullest extent of the law.

The food industry is going to receive some competition from the people. I will set up in the Department of Commerce those whose job is to create food chain stores through venture capitalists who will provide the best groceries at the best price and the stores will be employee owned. This will establish a new market in the food retail industry and motion America forward to a better way of life and off the pyramid scheme of the food industry. Your time is over, employees win and secure safe food and fresh products. Bring pride back to our food is the most important thing for a healthy America.

Replacing Obamacare? Restructuring the whole concept in three parts. Preventative, Midlevel preventative, and Major Medical. By doing so responsibility can be divided up and choices can be made based on the needs of the individual. The government would focus on major medical and midlevel, while the free marketplace will handle preventative. Those who are impoverished would receive additional care.

Lobbyist would be eliminated. Need I say more.

Housing will be developed through HUD. Affordable housing will be true to its name and every millennial and those alike will be able to afford and own a home in communities HUD will spurn through builders. Homes will cost the price of a car, as the economics of traditional homes do not match today's economy. By doing this, ownership will establish the healthiest American and communities and provide a lifestyle that is of the utmost quality and life changing.

Transportation will be developed to work with HUD to provide options in how we commute from the outskirts to big cities for business and for pleasure. EV transportation in both portable methods, hover boards, Segways, to bicycles and cars. This will stimulate the economy in not only building these communities but job opportunities and options like we haven't seen in years. Affordability is the goal plain and simple.

This is an overdue, but also personal issue. I would exercise my executive order rights to outlaw all puppy mills. I would arrest any owners and workers of pet stores who sell puppy mill dogs and cats. It's over. No more. We outlaw cruelty to animals but not the mills to create them in a cruel inhumane way. We will chop the head off the snake first, then go after the thousands of puppy mills and not just take the dogs, but arrest these people. They will spend their time in jail cleaning dog kennels while they can go to the bathroom in their cell. We cannot as a society expect to put Michael Vick in jail, then accept cruelty to dogs, especially of this magnitude. They are healers, companions, workers and friends. Respect. Any negative feedback; you're being ridiculous.

My next executive order will be to form a task force that does nothing but hunt down physically as well as digitally, all pedophiles, predators, and those are involved in human trafficking in any context and put them in jail to face the community of prisons. No remorse.

No more worthless road expansions. These tasks are to benefit the deals made by roadbuilders when the solution is part time telecommuting which costs nothing. Most jobs are handled on computer and therefore rushing to a desk in another town is inefficient and will end. We will mandate company telecommuting to end rush hour traffic as well as stress. And it costs nothing. Enough already, you're being ridiculous.

We do not need a mandate of law and order. What we do to receive the objective is create an economy for all and when our lives are plentiful all these problems go away. Greater policing is not the answer to cancer. It's not allowing cancer to grow in the first place. Establishment has allowed this as it perpetuates their agenda, but in my term I will solve the problem in the real way God had intended; prosperity. Again, any other thinking; stop, you're being ridiculous.

After my first one hundred days, I will rest, play a round of golf with Obama and win.

Thank you, and God Bless America forever.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Why Tesla Is In A Great Position

Thursday, August 18, 2016
11:31 AM
This is a good time to be a disruptive capitalist and Elon Musk knows it. We have spent fifty years dealing with shifts in consumer needs, reliability, corporate losses due to not making cars that people want, and now an emissions scandal becomes the icing on the cake. The auto industry is like Washington; fat cats who sit around doing nothing and still collecting millions if not billions. However, there is a new Sheriff in town and his M.O. is a slow methodical nipping away at each carmaker's segment.

What Musk is doing, as far as position, is building a brand that is high enough to reach Mercedes and BMW owners, and low enough to reach the well off middle class, taking away customers from Toyota, Ford, VW and GM. I see it as Tesla being in the center of the EV model and the remaining circling Tesla. The other carmakers believe they can pick away at Tesla, however the opposite is true; Tesla is going to make its center bigger by picking away at their competitors key segments; affordable sedan, small truck, and van. It will make for an interesting competition, however it's not worth placing a bet, as you might be accused of insider betting.

Tesla will win based on a few marketing assumptions. When it comes to technology, people trust those who do it for a living, not those who do it on the side. I would rather have a well thought out Tesla than a Mercedes that is trying to be an EV. This is why I don't think the comparison is fair, because people who buy Mercedes buy it for a reason, old fashion status symbol of "I've arrived." Tesla represents to that same strata of "Progressive Buyer" who wishes to be a part of the future. Brand matters and this is why the nucleus of Tesla will grow into a big bubble, nipping away at each carmaker as they try to circle Musk and his brand, but the numbers will show that people want the brand that only makes EV's. Nipping at Mercedes will evolve as old fashion dies and a progressive choice becomes popular because with that segment is a chase for what's fashionable. It's inevitable and it's going to force the other side of the spectrum in GM and Toyota as well as VW to take ownership of their futures in an already highly competitive world when the model 3 arrives.

The buying public is very fickle. Their fickleness in the upcoming years will be EV. I recall I was in a fast food restaurant when the Prius came out and this old guy tried to convince me nobody wanted a Prius, that they were just sitting in dealerships. That experience showed me that people don't have perceptions or attitudes based on facts or optimism, which leads to truth, people just want to believe what they want to believe. When Musk released the Roadster, nobody had a positive attitude about the venture, even with a cross country trip. However, they have come a long way as they've been able to parallel their efforts with all the oil publicity demonstrating our contempt for an industry that has held us hostage. Bottom line is Americans want electric cars, they simply want to understand them more.

That understanding is a romance and Musk is doing the right thing to build cars that provide a sense of a positive future with solid technology, safety and efficiency that people respect. The next five years is going to be an overwhelming takeover by Tesla no matter what the other carmakers do and we are seeing some of this affect in how the Leaf is surviving in sales. Tesla is already picking away at that price point and the brand is overwhelmingly more appealing than Leaf's goofy styling. Nissan is going to have to react quickly or be left out. They are already discussing changing their battery manufacturing after investing two billion in their own plant. That can be credited to Tesla and its pre-ordering campaign.

The bottom line is very simple, will Tesla make the bubble bigger by picking away, and thus far they are demonstrating just that. In this five year stint of cynicism of Tesla even being a competitor has made all the other carmakers look like fat cat fools for not taking Musk seriously, and now they are behind the eight ball. If you are betting on the next five years, place your money on Musk taking it to a whole new level like Henry Ford did, and make a car that everyone can afford. Don't be fooled, a car will come out that will be more affordable than the Model 3 and it will follow the truck and van production and almost parallel that production. Musk is great at timing and will overlap new models to maintain momentum in its PR campaign and solidify its' bravado in a market where people want to feel special about the kind of car they drive.

Lastly, another interesting point in regards to timing; Boomers are getting older, and the next thing they will want to spend their money on is a fancy car. Healthcare has slowed the purchasing power down of the Boomers, but it will pick up over time. In addition, Millennials who care about the environment will gravitate to an affordable Tesla that I'm sure Musk will call the T. Once he has the Millennials sandwiched in with the Boomers he will control the taste of the buying public due to Brand affinity. Tesla will be the iPhone of EV transportation, and although markets are cyclic, I don't see an Android in the next five years to knock them off their soon to be throne.

One thing is for sure, Tesla has Musk on their side. What do the other carmakers have; old farts who smoke too many cigars and make too many old fashioned mistakes? I’m a VW owner and currently own two of them outright since 1997. My next vehicle will definitely be a Tesla so my brand loyalty is going to change. I don't see myself any different than any other car buyer who is sick of the status quo. I would love to have the truck and/or the van.

Tesla is in the middle of a carmaker circle, and Musk's plan is to slowly eat away at each carmaker brand segment like a praying mantis who never gets full and the only thing I can say is; "Justice!"


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

America's Central Conundrum

America's Central Conundrum

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

1:19 PM

I will not espouse political topics as a professional or academic expert in politics. I will communicate the central problem that no one talks about from a historical perspective, and that topic is required thinking in moving forward.


Nobody, and I mean nobody, asks why terrorists actually exist.  All we do is react. This is nonsense and a waste of time.  Why is this so important? We are spending billions of dollars, slowing down the economy, and making it so political to combat an issue of so few people who are trying to turn the world upside down, but never acknowledging why is the biggest mistake of all.


Terrorism is a direct result of long standing imperialistic behavior by white countries, Nordic, European and North American, purging their resources and using military force to obtain political influence in those regions. This and only this poses the reason for terrorism.  Why don't we have Filipino terrorists, Korean terrorists, Vietnamese terrorists, or anyone from South America, Russia, Eastern European nations, etc.? The reason is how we have treated the Middle East and Northern Africa over hundreds of years.


Terrorism by strategy is nothing new. It is now by numbers, with more fury, and greater motivations that terrorism has an improved approach to tell these countries such as American, Britain, France, Belgium and others in the EU that they have had enough of being used. This is an issue of corporate America as well as politicians using others to the point of bullying and now they are fighting back in a way with modern know how.


I recently heard a black actor speak the same kind of rhetoric that whites just don't understand. It's about the reality that life is unfair, and that those who have more leverage end up, at the end of the day, end of the century, use others for their gain with compensation that relieves this feeling or intellectual idea that blacks and in this case Middle Easterners, used by these imperialistic countries.


We are a kinder, gentler nation? That's what we need to strive to be, because we should be educated enough to know that only Carter's essence had a benefit, just little execution. We need to protect our own self-interests, but we need to solve those problems internally, not by the cost of the Middle East or North Africa.


Petroleum is the central beast of all, and I mean all our problems. If we were run by a Nikola Tesla world, all the politics would have changed. But Standard Oil was allowed to determine the energy source and for the past one hundred plus years the middle class has paid the price in so many ways I couldn't bear to discuss all the topics, from health to pollution, to soldiers dying in war and children being murdered in the process. Seriously, we need to wake up and realize that oil is the cause of all our problems and most importantly the refusal to find alternative solutions has been a conspiracy for over thirty years.


I find it hard to believe that Reagan himself actually requested to have the White House solar panels taken down. But this type of posturing only eludes to my theory that we have been working with a series of lobbying powers that have ruined this country and brought us to war with people we can't even see, because that action was a symbol of things to come because an energy policy is the only policy that is required to strength the economy and take it to a new level with new opportunities.


We need to change our policies and help make these people realize that our intent is to change history. We need a publicity campaign that doesn't admit defeat, but a change in world history and Imperialistic ambitions need to change if we want peace across the world and our resources spent on more productive issues.


This is our Viet Nam and again it's not about defeat, but a change in policy and admitting the root cause which nobody, and again I mean nobody is willing to talk about. Imperialism does not work unless your intentions are philanthropic.


We understand through our technological experience and realizations, how solving problems require a different way of thinking. Problems are solved via technology and those in three piece suits don't understand this, but are motivated by playing out traditional thinking until they retire.


Consider Elon Musk. He is a symbol as well as an ideal that certain capitalistic leaders who are younger and come from a technology background, understand modern solutions and can change the world, in this case in seven years.  Seven little year's Musk turned pundit attitudes with a single PR campaign to demonstrate a roadster travelling across country is practical and faster than combustion engines; and seven years later obtained 300,000 preorders for a car that hasn't been built yet. Nobody in history has achieved such a draw towards a product since Steve Jobs' small item products.


The reason why this is so important is an understanding of our national attitudes about change and embracing not just an EV, but how we use energy, being more efficient, and making our homes potentially self-sufficient. This self-sufficiency opens up a whole new topic about how a healthy world can exist eternally by understanding this very effect, especially in regards to economic solvency for the average American. Travel will follow this solution as well, but that is another topic.


Until we clearly understand that old school thinking, old school politics, old school corporate leaders and oil in and of itself, need to not only retired, but be burned in an oven to never be seen again we will not find economic recovery.  It has been a toxic cancerous issue that has burdened the welfare and prosperity of the middle class for a hundred years plus, and it needs to end with leadership that understands that their great prosperity in technology needs to be utilized in national economic interests such as is the example in Elon Musk.


As a country we never face root cause, because root cause isn't something monopolistic corporations wish to have on your conscious mind. But America has played monopolistic capitalism for too long causing the middle class to implode and lose any type of negotiating power.


The ultimate goal isn't to provide jobs within the corporate infrastructure.  That is old thinking and needs to end. Solutions of the modern age is utilizing technology to assist individuals to find independent work to continue on the agenda of financial and energy independence which ultimately leads to prosperity. This is not just a concept, an ideology, this is an evolutionary destiny, but acknowledgement is necessary to achieve this.  Unfortunately, as we see with Musk, that one person has to force his way into solutions for people to get behind this destiny and that will hopefully happen with other technology experienced individuals who understand this perspective.


Notice this narrative is not about politics. This has nothing to do with politics, as we know this part of American life is cancerous and filled with toxic sociopathic personalities who would sell their mother into slavery to meet their political ambitions.


Americans are tired of this process but the only way it will end is if the nonsense stops and a well designed solution of understanding how technology will take us into a different age, not so much with technology itself, but as a tool to assist in finding things yet unseen.  That is, and I mean that is, the essence of technology. Yeah, it sounds like the Star Trek intro, because Roddenberry had a clear definition and understanding of what technology would achieve.


Once we can intellectually define this solution, we can then acknowledge that Imperialistic ambitions are a thing of the past and do not assist our national interest both economically or in security. However, again, it requires a definition and a clear narrative of how we approach our past, realign our ambitions to becoming a nation that finds solutions within its borders, particularly with energy, and knowing that technology will lead to prosperity that we can bet on. Then and only then can we eliminate these reactions by individuals in the Middle East and Northern Africa who are acting upon historical behavior that no longer should exist in the evolutionary process of technology as a tool toward ultimate objectives and solutions.