Monday, November 28, 2016

My First 100 Days

We are living in a time of action, but also in a time of inaction. Contempt comes to mind. But also a lack of awareness to the distractions of our lives don't take us away from the very issues we need on our minds daily.

In my first one hundred days, I will do the following;

Education- Destroy the system as is. The chain of command will come through supply and demand and that's it. No more unions, no more propaganda, no more social bullying in K-12, online learning, personal tutoring, small group as well, kids will learn in a different and more efficient way so the system is for the children and by the children and not for the careers of subpar liberals who want a job for life. It's over, Scram like dogs that you are. Only the best teachers will be asked to teach by the children and parents, period. We will have overseers for kids whose parents work so children can play and be safe in public and know their parents have the proper time to come get them after work.

My next executive order will be to remove all small time drug offenders from prison and provide them the proper necessities to get on with their lives only as productive citizens. Privatization of jails will end as well. Authoritarian rule has ended and we will redefine this country to be a progressive and compassionate country that balances priorities not on the basis of ideology, but on what is right for our nation to work towards being civilized.

We will additionally provide a task force to focus on illegal activity in remote locations. This is where crimes are calculated. We will find you, and you will no longer kidnap children or women as well as other crimes against society. This would include prosecuting all individuals who participate in social rings dealing with immoral decisions on women and children within or out of this country. Drones will be utilized. You will be found, you will be prosecuted by the fullest extent of the law.

The food industry is going to receive some competition from the people. I will set up in the Department of Commerce those whose job is to create food chain stores through venture capitalists who will provide the best groceries at the best price and the stores will be employee owned. This will establish a new market in the food retail industry and motion America forward to a better way of life and off the pyramid scheme of the food industry. Your time is over, employees win and secure safe food and fresh products. Bring pride back to our food is the most important thing for a healthy America.

Replacing Obamacare? Restructuring the whole concept in three parts. Preventative, Midlevel preventative, and Major Medical. By doing so responsibility can be divided up and choices can be made based on the needs of the individual. The government would focus on major medical and midlevel, while the free marketplace will handle preventative. Those who are impoverished would receive additional care.

Lobbyist would be eliminated. Need I say more.

Housing will be developed through HUD. Affordable housing will be true to its name and every millennial and those alike will be able to afford and own a home in communities HUD will spurn through builders. Homes will cost the price of a car, as the economics of traditional homes do not match today's economy. By doing this, ownership will establish the healthiest American and communities and provide a lifestyle that is of the utmost quality and life changing.

Transportation will be developed to work with HUD to provide options in how we commute from the outskirts to big cities for business and for pleasure. EV transportation in both portable methods, hover boards, Segways, to bicycles and cars. This will stimulate the economy in not only building these communities but job opportunities and options like we haven't seen in years. Affordability is the goal plain and simple.

This is an overdue, but also personal issue. I would exercise my executive order rights to outlaw all puppy mills. I would arrest any owners and workers of pet stores who sell puppy mill dogs and cats. It's over. No more. We outlaw cruelty to animals but not the mills to create them in a cruel inhumane way. We will chop the head off the snake first, then go after the thousands of puppy mills and not just take the dogs, but arrest these people. They will spend their time in jail cleaning dog kennels while they can go to the bathroom in their cell. We cannot as a society expect to put Michael Vick in jail, then accept cruelty to dogs, especially of this magnitude. They are healers, companions, workers and friends. Respect. Any negative feedback; you're being ridiculous.

My next executive order will be to form a task force that does nothing but hunt down physically as well as digitally, all pedophiles, predators, and those are involved in human trafficking in any context and put them in jail to face the community of prisons. No remorse.

No more worthless road expansions. These tasks are to benefit the deals made by roadbuilders when the solution is part time telecommuting which costs nothing. Most jobs are handled on computer and therefore rushing to a desk in another town is inefficient and will end. We will mandate company telecommuting to end rush hour traffic as well as stress. And it costs nothing. Enough already, you're being ridiculous.

We do not need a mandate of law and order. What we do to receive the objective is create an economy for all and when our lives are plentiful all these problems go away. Greater policing is not the answer to cancer. It's not allowing cancer to grow in the first place. Establishment has allowed this as it perpetuates their agenda, but in my term I will solve the problem in the real way God had intended; prosperity. Again, any other thinking; stop, you're being ridiculous.

After my first one hundred days, I will rest, play a round of golf with Obama and win.

Thank you, and God Bless America forever.

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