Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Psychology of Fools

I am a bit tired of all the outcries from everyone about the diversity issues and the Nazi people. Nobody speaks about them with any sense of literacy, only politically. This is why we get nowhere in understanding the behavior.

Charlottesville had an incident which was inevitable. Let's keep it simple to understand it without getting tangled up in rhetoric that we so often see and hear in the news and even personal discussion.

This issue has to do with territory and only territory from a mammal standpoint. We have a population issue as well as a development issue in this country where people migrate to a few places on the map instead of making use of all of America. This is important. Because it directly relates to territorial threat that all mammals experience, fear, behave defensively, and react accordingly. Sorry to make the analogy, but my own Border Collie, Eddie, does the same thing when strange dogs come his way at the park and get too close to him. Sorry, but from a mammal viewpoint, this is no different. That is the first thing to understand in this discussion. People feel threatened. Now let's move further into the psychology of it all, which you will appreciate a bit more.

We are a country founded by white people, escaping white people. The white people built this country in regards to laws and infrastructure like no other nation in the world, and with the help of the Industrial Age, we conquered more problems and created a modern society so quickly that others wanted to come. However, with building that came a price. That price was using people as slaves, paid or not, brings an influx of generations of non-whites. This is bad only in the sense that these white people assumed America would be theirs and only theirs. Eventually it became the Alpha complex thought process where they knew others are here, but we dominate. However, that was challenged and what has seeped into their minds is fear; fear that all the laws being created favor non-whites while whites get nothing in the same category. It was always assumed that whites don't need assistance in making it in this country, but it was more about sending a message to them politically, that they were being controlled. Their fear and anger was not aimed at the government though. It was aimed at the non-whites.

These behaviors are a growing fear and reality that America is being taken over by non-whites. I'm not judging it, I'm stating a psychological fact. This is the problem, as the preferences for whites has constantly been subjected to oppression as we promote non-whites in every way shape or form. These people feel discriminated against and they are reacting to the fact of not just what is going on today, but the future of the white race. If they were anything but white, a political response would be different than the one you are having now. They are intellectually incapable of understanding their own negative behavior gets them nowhere any more than a black person's negative behavior in the ghetto gets him nowhere. That is the rule of Life.

The government is partly and strongly to blame for this environment. They have sent messages to poor whites over the past seventy years that they don't matter while we use narratives in the media that the promotion of black culture, which has been mostly bogus as we know by the Chicago example. But we have a segment in our society who are in environments that don't promote education, an almost white ghetto, that doesn't assist in furthering generational growth, monetarily or intellectually. They have been left behind just like the minorities, but they don’t' have the same privileges as the non-whites do in government assistance.

Ultimately they feel the fear of becoming extinct from this country due to the Socialist Left demonstrating the push for diversity among other things that don't assist their fears. This and only this should be what you take away from this piece. Whites feel betrayed, though we all should be aware, that life and property is a free for all and has life and time move forward the protection of that property changes due to social reasons.

We live in a pyramid scheme. Those at the top have all the leverage to pull all the strings. Corporations and politicians pull and hold all those strings. Those at the bottom will always be there until we eliminate the top of the pyramid and turn it into more of a trapezoid, where more people can make it to the top. Even Karl Marx revered that capitalism needed altering based on this premise. A capitalist society needs to remove this leverage and allow people at the bottom to climb. We had it in the eighties and even the nineties but we burned it all down with the home ownership debacle. The rebuttal would be, yes to help people who might not otherwise own a home, subprime loans. But those were for homes they couldn't afford. And where are the homes they can afford? They don't exist. Instead of affordable renting, we need affordable homes. This has been the joke for the past seventy years. Building homes people can't afford so the banks can own the buyer; others will just have to rent in the inner city has a place in this discussion. You want to know why people are angry and lashing out?

The Left has paid too much attention with social engineering this country. They want to punish whites and eliminate their jobs if they say or think differently. There is a price for that and that is igniting these whites who haven't been able to make a better life for themselves and feel hopeless. The media doesn't even pay attention, but sends the message the only thing we promote is POC pride and Girl Power. So who is protesting in Charlottesville; not those groups just mentioned. Think about it.

This is about fear, losing power of what power they had, but knowing those they oppress will eventually become the oppressors if they don't do something about it. Who is the blame for that imagery? Don't blame me, I'm just telling you the truth, as the history of America has some skeletons in the closet and we are at the precipice of the role of slaves changing. You wonder why these people exist, well don't. Our society creates them when growth at the bottom doesn't take place accept for maybe the minority.

People could live together if they feel their personal ability to build a life exists. If a poor white person can own a home, buy a car and have a family, all these problems go away. However, we need to build into the country and not simply on the mainland of America which is where most of the population exists. We need to build homes with some land so people can have space instead of cookie cutter neighborhoods. These poor white people who learn to follow, someone like David Duke, who has a leadership complex, and wants to control a cultish group to provide him some sort of ego building part of history, then we will continue to have these kinds of groups. But if they are happy raising a family and the media lays off the bad white guy narrative, maybe these ideals will vaporize.

Personally, I don't care much for either side. I grew up in the middle where I could be perceived as either side. Regardless, I find both sides despicable with their demands, zero accountability and the government manipulating it all. We are a culture of fools because we don't care about understanding anything. Instead we simply put people on tv to spout more diarrhea regarding the political principals and how their group is a victim.

White man bad. I get it. The truth is, you're all bad.

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